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Sometimes, only carpet will do

There’s no doubt that there are more options when it comes to choosing a floor covering than there has ever been. This can create near-havoc when it comes time for the homeowners to choose a flooring for their home. However, carpet still remains one of the most beloved materials for flooring, and will probably remain so for many, many years to come. What makes it so appealing? We’re going to find out.

At Carpetland, we know a thing or two about flooring, and why it means so much to you as a homeowner. Not only will we help you find the perfect floor covering for your home, we will walk you through each and every step of the process. We proudly serve the areas of Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Tracy, and Elk Grove, and our showrooms are located in Stockton and Modesto, CA. We invite you to stop by with any questions you may have. Our flooring professionals will be standing by to assist you.

Carpet facts you can’t miss

There are still a few myths that often keep people from choosing carpet as their floor covering of choice. For instance, the idea of stains is usually forefront in the minds of most homeowners. Of course, it should be, because we all want our homes to look their best.

However, the truth is, some of these floor coverings come straight from the manufacturer with stain protection built right in to the fibers themselves. There are protectants rated for regular, everyday use, and there are even those that are specifically geared towards pet stains and odors. You can also add layers of protection after installation, as well as using runners and area rugs for the ultimate in protection.
Luxurious carpet flooring in a Modesto, CA master bedroom
Another myth is that this is the one floor covering that is absolutely worst for allergy sufferers. In the past, carpet was blamed for harboring the allergens that meant sheer misery for anyone with severe allergies.

The good news is, the manufacturing process can now include fibers that are completely hypoallergenic. Now, instead of being the cause of allergen misery, this floor covering has become a protection against it.

We suggest that, when choosing this flooring, that you also choose to have it professionally installed. While amateur installers mean well, there are many mistakes that can lead to a great many problems, including drastically reduced life span. It may cost a bit extra, but could wind up saving you money in the long run.

Reimagine your home

with our carpet gallery